Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Call I will Never Forget

Let's take the suspense out, we are still waiting for our little guy to make his arrival into the world, but I received a call today at work that I will never forget. I was chatting with Steve, one of my coworkers, and my pocket started vibrating. I waited for two vibrates because that means it's an incoming call (compared to a text or email). I took my phone out of my pocket hoping it was Steph letting me know that I should head home because of the baby is on his way. Needless to say it wasn't Steph nor was it a number that I recognized. I placed my phone back on my desk and a little disappointed it wasn't Steph. Steve persuasively said that I should answer it. That it could be the hospital or something. So, I answered and below is the exact dialog (best I can remember):
Me: Hello
Caller: He's here! He's here!
Me (my heart falling out of my chest): What?
Caller: He's here!
Me: (blood draining out of my face leaving me a pale white) Who?
Caller: He's here at Central Desk!
Me: (Confused, light-headed) What?
Caller: Is this Roland?
Me (Blood rushing back to my face turning it a sun burnt red): No.
Caller: Sorry. Bye.

I slowly placed my phone on my desk and looked at Steve and immediately start sweating, seeing stars and  hyperventilating. Steve had this look of unbelief on his face as to say "That was the greatest thing I've ever seen in my entire life". I'm was still shocked, confused and speechless as to what just occurred. My coworkers on the other side of cube city could faintly hear what was going on and also start buzzing with confusion and anticipated excitement. I try to restate the story, but I was still dazed and emotionally drained by the 90 second conversation.

It is amazing to me on what the odds of the call going the way it happened. What are the odds that:
1. I receive a call from Metronic (we researched and found out it was them who called) and they would have my number when trying to reach one of their own employees.
2. I answer the call. If Steve wasn't at my desk I never would of answered. Steve and I chat for only a few minutes a day so for him to be at my desk when I receive the call is low
3. The caller say's he's here. Not she's here, they're here, but he's here.
4. I intrepret the call the way I did. A month ago or even a month from now "He's here" has a completely different meaning.
5. The caller didn't say hello, but just exclaimed "He's here". It kind of get's back to the first point.

So, the kid hasn't arrived yet, but I think I received enough excitement for the day. Hopefully the little guy will make an appearance tomorrow.


  1. Well then. In this situation I'm sure glad he's NOT here yet!

  2. Becky, you would of been laughing so hard. You would of been shocked, but laughing.
