Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Big Week

So much has happened over the past five days, I'm not even sure where to begin or how to organize my thoughts. The first thing I want to do is try to express the gratitude that I have for everyone that has sent us their well wishes, words of encouragement and visits we have received. I don't take it lightly that you send those notes, texts and emails. I just wish that more people lived close by so that Tobiah would have a chance to meet you and to let him know how you are a special part of our lives.

These past five days have been a big whirlwind. I have picked just three topics to give updates on today:
1. Health - Tobiah is a trooper. He is such a healthy baby. Every test, check up and examination has come back near perfect. He was born at 7lbs 5oz, was down 3oz after day one, down an additional 2oz day two (bringing him to an even 7lbs). At his appointment on Friday (day 3) he was back up to 7lbs 2 oz.  I believe a by-product of his health is also the fact that he is a happy baby. He doesn't fuss much and he makes the cutest faces. He loves to be held, but is very content laying in his cradle or pack & play. He is probably very much like other babies, but since I didn't have much of a desire to know about them, I take the time to appreciate how awesome, precious and what a miracle that they really are now.

Mom (Steph) is also doing very well. I think she still has some general soreness, but she has hardly taken any pain medication through the entire pregnancy. She's been taking good vitamins, but also took some Nutrilite Recovery drink while we were in the hospital. We both feel that the recovery drink helped to prevent a lot muscle soreness, aches and pains. She looking really good as well, what can I say, she's a hot mama.

2. Visitors - We've had some great family and friends stop over to meet little Tobiah. On Tuesday, Mr. Kim, Kayla (Steph's mom), my parents, Mike, Em, Zeke, Marky & Katie. It was fun for us to see their reaction and to take a few pictures of them holding Tobiah. Katie was a natural holding him and should only be a matter of time before she has one of her own. Marky waved at Tobiah, but didn't hold him. I don't blame him though, I was the exact same way. Tobiah is only the 3rd infant I've ever held (with Zeker being the 2nd). It was also a bunch of fun for Tobiah to meet his cousin Zeke. Zeker looks huge compared to Tobiah, it is funny to think back that Zeker was Tobiah's size only six weeks prior and to see how much he has grown is ridiculous. Seeing that helped me comprehend how fast Tobiah will grow up and I need to appreciate every moment and not to "wish away time". For example, "I wish he could sit up on his own" or "I can't wait until he can walk"... those types of statements.

On Wednesday Kayla stopped back over (with a Big Mac & fries for me), as did my mom. Both grandmas got a second dose of their new grandson. Laura, David & Jack stopped by that night and Jack got to see his new friend. Jack is almost two now and to see how big he is reinforced what I thought the day previous with Zeke. Laura and David also said that those two years have just flown by. I'm shaking my head as I type this as it is nearly uncomprehendable (I'm sure the parents out there are nodding in agreement). Then Gene & Shawna stopped by to meet Tobiah. This was truly humbling for Steph and I. Gene & Shawna mean the world to us. They have been the example, standard and mentors in our lives for several years. To say it was special having them hold Tobiah and share encouraging words would be an understatement and my Waseca High School vocabulary doesn't quite have the proper adjectives to describe how wonderful it was having them stop over and share great stories and to speak words of life into him.

After we were finally discharged on Thursday afternoon, Cole and Christine stopped over to the house. That was cool, I saw so much of me in Cole. Overall excitement for Steph and I, but a little uneasy about holding him or anything like that. Cole and Marky both have a lot of me in them, but to Christine and Katie, I can tell you that once they have their own they will dive right in. Mom, Em & Zeke also came over and spent the evening with us. It was fun looking through old family albums and baby books. Steph and Em also think that both Zeke and Tobiah look like me. What that really means is that they will grow up to be complete studs, ladies beware.

After a mild Friday, we had a huge friends and family gathering on Saturday. First Dana and Kayla took pictures, held and cuddled Tobiah. It was great for them to meet their 5th grandchild. Jeff, Julie & Jaycie stopped over. It was great to see how fun and giggly Jaycie was. She is also almost two, but to see how independent she is was an eye opener compared to Tobiah's fully dependent phase. After spending some great time with them, family time began. Uncle Mark drove up from Worthington to meet Tobiah. I was so excited that he came up to see him (unfortunately I didn't get a picture of them together, which I'm a little upset about). In addition to Uncle Mark, my parents, Mike, Em & Zeker also came over. It was fun to have everyone together for the first time. It was a lot different than any other Schwarz family gathering before. Typically, I was the only fussy or crying one, but now I have competition. As a family we no longer decide when we eat. Zeke and Tobiah dictate that for us know. It was a family experience that I will never forget.

3. Things I didn't know - I think this will be an ongoing topic, but the thing that I didn't realize was how many times in a day that we needed to change Tobiah's clothes. Steph went up stairs to feed Tobiah and when she came back down he was wearing a different outfit. I thought it was strange, but didn't think to much of it. The next time that she fed him and came down in a different outfit, it was becoming concerning to me. I didn't realize that you really don't know when a kid is going to burp, spit up, burst through their diaper and up their back or go while being changed. Now I understand why he needs SO many clothes and why we have to do a load of laundry for him everyday. I'm getting good at match up little stocking though!

As you've seen, I have added a few pictures in this blog, but if you would like to view more (and future) pictures, check out my facebook page. Stay tuned for additional updates and more pictures.

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