Friday, July 15, 2011

No News and Another Missed Opportunity

As I write this, Steph is fast asleep. She is actually cuddled up with a beagle (it's quite adorable). This means that there is no update on the baby front. I must tell you this story, on Tuesday morning at about 5am, Steph went to the bathroom (as she does so many times right now). Typically I don't hear her, but for whatever reason I did this time. I rolled over and asked if she was having a baby. She nonchalantly said "yes" and I said "right now?!" She said almost sarcastically, "well, not right now". As she was speaking I fell back asleep. I must admit that haven't been sleeping that well and when I do, I'm usually dreaming about the drive to the hospital.
This hole baby thing has gotten so bad that people actually groan when then see me walk into work. I'm not sure how to take that, are they sad that I don't have a baby yet or are they feeling the freedom to actually express themselves? Things I think about.

Tonight dad and I went to the Twins game and saw a pretty poor game by the home team. Blacky pitched fairly well. He had a few long innings, but he went 7 scoreless. Nathan looked near dominate in the 8th (of course it was the 8, 9 & 1 hitters). Then Capps blew the save in the 9th. Home plate umpire didn't give Cappsy any favors on the lead off hitter. It seemed like the zone got a lot tighter for that one hitter. After two outs and a 1-1 count. Homser crushed a ball about 425 to dead center. Capps will receive a lot of blame for the loss and could lose his role as the closer, but the blame shouldn't solely fall on Cappsy.

Twins had runners at the corners three times with one out and not one time did they drive in the run. The only run the Twins scored was on a wild pitch. In the bottom of the ninth with Tolbert at first Danny hit a ball about 408 feet to dead center for the 1st out (when it left the bat I thought he got it). After a Delmon single the Twins were back to first and third with one out. Hughes hit for Repko and tapped one back to the pitcher and for whatever reason Tolbert tried to score and was out by the original budget debate gap. Nishi grounded out weakly to end the game. Plenty of opportunities to win tonight, but just didn't get the job done.

I do think it is time to send Mijares and his 8.3BB/9 to Rochester and bring up Chuck James. Then Perkins and Capps should split the closer role based on match up. Perkins should have faced Hosmer with 2 outs and a runner on in the 9th.

Hopefully Pavano and the offense can get us back in the win column and I hope to be blogging from our hospital room.


  1. Awwww! Don't be sad! We only groan because we know how excited you are to have a baby!

  2. Maybe today will be the day?? That's what we keep saying, day after day... :-) I know he will come in God's perfect timing, but I would really like it to line up with my timing too... :-)

    As for the Twins - yes, we missed too many scoring opportunities. I was especially disappointed when Mauer was intentionally walked and then Cuddy struck out! I thought, "HA! we've got you now!! You don't do that to the Twins," but obviously the Royals knew differently. Bummer of a loss, but today's a new day and we can take one back! :-)

    Here's to hoping for baby news!!!!!!!!!!!!
