Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Fresh Start

Let's be honest with each other, in today's society social media is a big deal and there a tons of people blogging and sharing their opinions on a number of items. I have always felt like blogging was never going to be for me, but my wife Steph (also to be known throughout this blog as Steppy) finally convinced me after she read my experience at a Twins-Rays lunch I attended earlier this week (Which I will post here either tomorrow or Monday). I got to thinking (which isn't one of my strengths), if I was to blog, what would I blog about. Honestly, how many people really care what I think about (I guess as time goes on we'll find out)? I came up with four topics that are really important to me that I'm extremely passionate about that I felt I could write about multiple times a week. Those four areas are:

1. Family - Steppy and I have been married for over 7 years now, we have a 5 year old beagle named Hunny and we are days (maybe even hours) away from our first child, a son (who at this point doesn't have a name). I will share my experiences as a man and first time father. I also have to throw the disclaimer that I'm not the best with kids (at least your kids), I'm not sure what they want, how to get to their level. This should be plenty of comedy for you and a great way to help me understand.

2. Faith - I've been born again since I was 8 (at story I will share in the future) and have been passionate about my walk with Jesus since. I will be the first to admit that I screw up plenty and I'm no where close to perfect and I hope that people don't judge what Jesus did for them based upon my inadequacies. I have to be up front and say that I follow Jesus and his Word. I am easily annoyed by religious traditions and why people do things in their church, but don't understand why.

3. Political - This will probably be the subject I talk the least about, but should be open to let you know that I am very partial and lean heavily one way, but two things you can expect from me. First, I will never rip a person because of the person he is. For example, our president I may disagree with many things that he does and says, but you will never hear me talk negatively about him as a person. Secondly, I will tell you why I believe the way I do. That way you can understand my thinking and you can rip me on my thoughts and you can give me the reason why you believe.

4. Baseball - Minnesota Twins baseball to be exact. I love the game and feel that I have above average insight as to how the game can be played. This may be a great outlet for me after a frustrating loss, a heroic comeback or strategic moves that need to be made based upon injuries, slumps and dynamics that is brought to the team. (I currently have a number of things to talk about regarding this topic, but I'm trying to start fresh and begin share thoughts going forward).

Now you know why I'm doing this and hopefully there are value adding items here for you. I would love interaction to my comments. Please send this out to friends that maybe interested in any of the subjects listed above. To be fair, Topics one and four will probably be my main discussion points, at least between now and October (hopefully late October).
