Monday, August 22, 2011

Hunny's Birthday & Date Night

Time goes by so fast. I started this blog post on Friday, it is now Monday night and I'm getting it sent out. It just seems like we are always doing something. It's Tobiah needing us, running errands, doing cool things (which I blog about), people coming over or chores around the house (yes, I do a lot of laundry, dishes, cleaning & make supper now). Add that all up, carry the one and you have time that goes by way too fast. This entry will focus on Hunny's birthday (which we celebrated on Friday) and a date night Steph and I had that evening. Tomorrow I'm going to blog about Tobiah's first Twins game (stay tuned to that one, it will be good!!)

I've been working 2 or 3 day work weeks since Tobiah's been born. It has allowed me to help Steph around the house and also have given me good Tobiah time. The reason I've spread my time off so much is I needed to stay in the loop on what's happening at work. Starting Tuesday, Target is relaunching their website. Quick history, has been serviced and operated by Amazon until Tuesday. Starting Tuesday morning it is switching from an Amazon based website to a Target based website. This just means that I needed to stay in the loop on what's happening, it also means that starting Tuesday things are going to get really busy at work and I won't be able to take time off for a while. On Friday, Steph, ToBuddy (new nickname) and I decided to celebrate Hunny's 5th birthday at Galaxy's drive in restaurant. The place was so cool. It was like a futuristic 50's drive in and for those who know me, I was meant to live in the 50's (some of the 60's, but none of the 70's). It was a perfect 75 degree day, full sun and only a slight breeze. When we arrived, the place was packed, we had to park a block away. As we were approaching a table the waitress had someone bring out a mini ice cream cone for Hunny. She was ecstatic about it, the funny thing was watching her face as she was eating it. She was looking at me as to say "I need to eat this now before daddy tells me no". We then ordered, I got a burger decked with fried onion straws and bbq sauce. Steph got a cheeseburger and Hunny got a doggie burger. Again she was soooo happy. She was eating it so fast that it was hard to take pictures of her. It was fun for Steph and I to watch her eat "people" food. The only time that she gets "people" food is when she some how reaches up and gets it from the counter. The overall Galaxy experience was awesome. My only regret is that it has taken me so long to go there. I bet we will go there at least one more time this year and probably once a month starting next year. Check out their website and experience this place for yourself, you won't be disappointed.  Below are a few pictures documenting our (mainly Hunny's) experience.

After we got home from our adventure from Galaxy's, my mom called and said that she'd like to come over and spend some time with Tobiah. I was excited for her to come over. I knew that she would help in taking care of Tobiah and it would give me the free time to work on this blog. That didn't quite go to plan. Once my mom arrived she told us to go out and take a date night. We were indifferent to the idea at first, but decided to take her up on it anyways. We started out by going to Macy's and checking out new clothes for Steph. In four weeks, she is almost back to her pre-pregnancy weight, which means, new clothes. We were looking at jeans and fun stuff like that (which I know is super romantic for a date night). As were leaving Macy's we were talking about how awesome it was outside. So for supper we got Five Guys to go and we walked down to Centennial Lakes. We found a secluded bench right next to the lake and we ate and talked. It was so much fun talking about how much we've changed since we've been married and how awesome things are going to be with the Tobster. Thank you again mom for allowing us to take a "date night".

I will blog tomorrow about Tobiah's first Twins game, but I need to go, I need to be to work in 5 hours.

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