Monday, August 15, 2011

Night of Milestones: 1st Bath & 600 Homeruns

I was going to save this until tomorrow, but I had to document my feelings and accurately recount the events of this evening. I haven’t blogged in over a week and now I’m sending out two in one night. I guess it is a BOGO!

Tonight was a memorable evening marked with two milestones. The first milestone was Tobiah’s first bath and the second was Jim Thome’s 600th homerun. The events couldn’t be more apart from each other. Toby’s first bath is the beginning of what will be many firsts in his life. It is symbolic of all the things ahead of him: new experiences, relationships, obstacles and victories. The other milestone stands for all the great things that Jim Thome has accomplished in his life: 21 season of major league baseball, 8th member of the 600 homerun club and future Hall of Fame inductee. In many ways 600 homeruns is Thome’s swan song. That in another 6 weeks he will be done playing baseball and will move on to the next chapter of his life. Two events, two major milestones, but one event marks the beginning and the other event the end.
"I like this bath thing"
"I'm cold and becoming upset"
Recovering from traumatic event
It would be a travesty if I didn’t talk in depth about Tobiah’s first bath. I was actually finishing up my last blog update when Steph let me know that she was going to give Tobiah a bath. She just placed him in the tub when I entered the bathroom and let me tell you, he was all smiles. He was enjoying his bath. Water was a comfortable lukewarm. Steph was washing him down and I was just enjoying the fact that he was so content. It was then I remembered that babies will get cold in the tub and begin to get angry. I then remembered we were given a bath cover as a shower gift. It is the green turtle that is made out of wash cloth type material. It is something you set on top of them and it is designed to keep them warm. I placed it on him so that he wouldn’t get upset. Steph told me that I should wet it down. Since I fully trust my wife, I did as she requested. It was as I was placing it on him that I realized that anything that gets wet and doesn’t stay in water will immediately get cold. Again I didn’t question because my wife is way better at this kid thing that I am. It took but about 90 seconds before he became very upset. Steph realized that he was extremely cold and explained to me that's the reason he was upset. After a few verbal jabs at each other we finally agreed to get him out of the tub (which was also cooling off significantly), get him dry and get him changed. Before we got him out of the tub he started peeing everywhere. It was like a fire fighter at the scene trying to put out a fire that was consuming the whole building. So we had to clean off the areas that he peed on himself all while he was letting us know how we are terrible parents. That was the adventure of his first bath. I was able to get a few good blackmail pictures before he became to upset. Yet again, another night I won't soon forget.

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